Sunday, June 24, 2007

Obey you call

This blog is, in part, a reflection of my attempts to come to grips with my procrastination to accept the “Great Commission”. Maybe my thoughts will stimulate you to activate that latent dynamic energy inherent within you.
As I started blogging this article, I came to the realization that I had issues… I was struck by the phrase, “spending time with the Master”. Now I know that this is the base of any foundation of Christianity and it seems almost a “no-brainer”. Yet, if honest, most of us must confess that we do not spend much time with the Master. Now why is this? We men have a basic problem – the very concept of having a Master is anathema to most men. It suggests subservience and yielding to domination. Now, my sisters, don’t feel too superior; you probably have this issue also. OK, what’s the point, David?
We all have bought into the current “Culture of Self”. What do I mean? I mean that we are inundated with subtle (sometimes not so subtle) concepts that indicate that we are must always be in control of our activities.
Think back to your high school English class. Can you remember any of your favorite poems? I remember one of mine…“Invictus” by William Ernest Henley. The line that I loved best is; “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my sole.” Really good manly stuff, right…? Wrong… Yes, God gave us free will, but we have, as mankind, chosen poorly. Submission to the Lord and obedience to His will are manly characteristics – (not wimpy or moist) Need a practical example of misplaced understanding… How about the fact that Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh left the Victorian poem “Invictus” as his last message to the world before he was executed.

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