Sunday, July 8, 2007

Good Men

Last week, I spent the 4th of July with my Son and Daughter-in-Law. It was very enjoyable. One of the activities we participated in was to watch and discuss Tyler Perry's "The House of Payne". This is not a critique of the show; so let me get to the point of the blog post. On the show there are three main adult male characters: (1) Lavan Davis - Curtis Payne (head of the House); (2)Lance Gross- Calvin Payne (Curtis' son); and (3) Allen Payne - CJ Payne (Curtis' nephew ( and to me the most complicate and tragic figure thus far)). Later, as I mused over my visit, I could not help but think about the situations of these three men, their individual issues and their interactions/relationship with each other. A question that nagged the back relms of my mind was; Are these "good" men? This leads be to the point of this blog... How does the Bible define a good man?

One book of the Bible that defines elements of a good man is Proverbs. It not only states what are major components of a "good" man, it devotes more than half of its pages telling us how to attain and maintain these components through respect for God, wisdom, understanding, and obedience. I am interested in your interpretation of what God tells us about being good men.


Anonymous said...


My name is Jim Gardiner. I marched with your son Kevin in the '84 Garfield Cadets.

Consistent with your topic, and this will be the only comment I will have on it at this time; your son is a good man, and by extension I know it must be true that you are as well.

I have read your posts to date with interest and I am intrigued as to how you reached the decision of your topic(s) and why blogging.



Hammer said...

Jim, sorry to take so long to get back to you... I was out of pocket for a while... Now, as to your question... My topics focus on Men and their issues because it is us who have been remiss in the duties assign to us by God... We complain that our Ladies are disrespectful and bossy but we do not choose the accept the responsibilities and guidelines given to us in scripture... As to blogging - Because it's interactive... Iron sharpens Iron; but to do that Men must inform others - I don't have any unique insights - only scripture and research - You have the same resources - Together we can find the truth and "The truth shall set us free..."

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reply Mr. Phillips.

I applaud your efforts in this regard knowing full well that it is service, not acknowledgment, that drives your efforts.

I look forward to your ongoing posts.
